
Don Lemon and Elon Musk Clash in Fiery Interview on X Network



Reading Time: 2 minutes

Former CNN reporter Don Lemon recently engaged in a heated exchange with Tesla CEO Elon Musk on Musk’s X social network. The interview, intended to kick off Lemon’s new talk show on X, quickly turned contentious and led to the cancellation of the show by Musk shortly after its recording.

Musk’s Vision for X: “Player Versus Player Platform”

Musk characterized X as a “player versus player platform,” drawing parallels to video games where players engage in intense battles. He mentioned using the platform for late-night posts, often sparking debates and discussions.

Musk Opens Up About Ketamine Use for Depression

In a candid moment, Musk revealed his use of ketamine to alleviate symptoms of depression. He emphasized its therapeutic benefits but also acknowledged the importance of moderation due to its potential impact on productivity.

Chance Encounter with Trump and Political Leanings

Musk disclosed an unexpected encounter with former President Donald Trump in Florida, downplaying the significance of their conversation. He also hinted at his political inclinations, expressing reservations about endorsing any candidate and leaning away from supporting Joe Biden.

Immigration and Electoral Impact

During the interview, Musk disavowed the “great replacement theory” but raised concerns about the electoral implications of undocumented immigration. However, his assertions were met with scrutiny from Lemon regarding the voting rights of undocumented immigrants.


The clash between Lemon and Musk touched on a range of topics, from the nature of X to personal struggles and political views. Despite the cancellation of Lemon’s show, the interview provided insight into Musk’s perspectives and beliefs.

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